"Appealingly loungey and louche" -Brooklyn Vegan"Guy sat down by the grand piano and played some of the most beautiful songs I've everheard." - Jens Lekman, 2005"A masterfully realised narrative from a master storyteller" - Triple R Radio (Australia)Chapter Music and French labelPop Superette team up to present the firstever vinyl reissue of Chapter boss Guy Blackman's 2008 albumAdult Baby.Originally released on CD only, Adult Baby is a sumptuous collection ofbaroque pop tearjerkers, recorded over the course of three years by CaseyRice (Dirty Three, Liz Phair, Tortoise). The album features over 20musicians, including Swedish pop star Jens Lekman (who sings a duet withGuy set in a men's sauna onDark & Quiet Place), Dirty Three's Mick Turner, Mike Young (Eddy Current Suppression Ring/Total Control), plus a who'swho of 2000s Australian indie including members of Crayon Fields, Art ofFighting, Fabulous Diamonds, Pikelet, Minimum Chips and more.The reissue has been lovingly remastered for vinyl by Casey Rice, andfeatures a bonus version of Gene Clark'sEchoes in classic high school bandmode.Better known in recent years for his work co-managing Australian DIY labelinstitutionChapter Music, Guy's other musical life has seen him support thelikes of Joanna Newsom, Bill Callahan, Vashti Bunyan and Stereolab, touringthe world with Jens Lekman, Tenniscoats, Mt Eerie and Dear Nora. He hasalso played in bands such as Montero, Minimum Chips and SleepyTownship.From the liner notes to the upcoming reissue, French/Australian musicianMaxwell Farrington writes:"Guy Blackman is one of Australia's finest singer/songwriters. There are very, very fewartists who can make me cry like he does... After his moving (unpretentious) words come hisgraceful and sticky melodies and arrangements. 'Adult Baby' - this is a very importantalbum for me, it's the Mount Everest of Australian pop